Engage other sectoral bodies, viz: ADVAN, MIPAN, AAAN, OOAN. They should henceforth be invited to EXMAN functions so as to build sustainable credibility.
Leverage on the existing relationship with APCON and Secure EXMAN as a Sectoral Body having a representative in APCON.
Create another window with APCON (As was previously done) to allow practicing members with (minimum required) years of experience to write qualifying exams for APCON Certification.
Ensure to enforce regulation on all Members. Inculcate in old and new members the Code of Conduct. The responsibility to maintain standards is pivotal to this committee’s role.
- Ensure that Standard Form and Processes are maintained in the recruitment/registration of New Agencies.
- Orientation and Code of Conduct is to be properly communicated by Committee to new members.
- On-board no fewer than 10 Agencies during the life of this EXCO.
Training and Registration Format for the ECBAP must be clearly articulated.
The Modified Format must be clearly spelt out on the portal.
Identity Cards (with new interface and inscription which absolves the association of any vicarious liability) is to be produced following the modified process and ready.
The proposed process review must carry a format that shows the procedure of certification (Aptitude Tests and Qualification Procedure).
Ascertain what the 4,000 annual payment covers, especially from the point of view of Insurance.
Carry out/Organise a VAT Training for Member Agencies.
Several trainings that will impact on the various support departments across agencies are welcome, viz: Finance, Operations, Client Service, Human Resource, Strategy/Creative, Production, etc.
The revised process therefore invalidates promoters who were earlier registered on the portal, but are yet to go through any certification process.
The expectation is to structure Trainings every other month.
Responsible for driving the EXMAN Day activities as well as all other programmes provided for on the calendar.
Create activities for bonding
Create Exercise Routine Activities for Members.
Responsible for Planning & executing the next AGM- end to end
Propose Panel of Judges
Responsible for Planning & executing the next Awards- end to end
Identify and engage Plaque Vendor
Drive the loyalty scheme for the Association in concert with event venues, Hotels, and other places of interest with a view to getting discounts from all value chain suppliers
Work in alignment with the Membership Committee to help prospective/new agencies appreciate and see the value that joining EXMAN creates for them.
Responsible for ensuring that the Association’s Books are in order and up to date.
They will work closely with the Financial Secretary and Auditors to ensure all Statements of Accounts are in order.
Responsible for managing all Special Events: SWIN and the newly introduced Experiential Marketing Conference that will be powered by EXMAN. It will be a Bi-Annual Conference
Design a Format for the conference; Identify and Invite Speakers; Source Venue., etc. The Pan African Conference will be largely Self-Funded with the intention to subsidize for Member Agencies.
Any other project as may come up.